What is it like being a Support Worker with Ark?
We met up with the team at Southhouse Autism Unit to find out more
No two days are the same. We tend to have a slow start to the day. Before 10am we make sure the supported people are up, prepare breakfast and making sure household tasks are completed like getting the washing on. We make sure that the supported person is showered, has breakfast and is dressed ready for the day then sit down to plan the day’s activities. Then we head of out for the day and it is full on activities until it’s time to get back to make dinner, settle the Supported Person in for the night and get them ready for bed.
Our Supported People are very active enjoying a wide variety of different activities. One day you can be jumping on the trampoline with them and the next supporting them with baking a cake. They enjoy going to the cinema, arcades, kicking the ball around outside in the summer and colouring. We organise picnics when the weather is nice which gives the supported people a great chance to socialise and gives the service a great community vibe.
Getting to work with an amazing group of highly intelligent supported people. It’s great to know that you are working to support them to live as independently as possible and advocating for what they want to do. We have a great team at Southhouse Autism Unit which really helps as we work together and support each other. There is great camaraderie within the team and we have a lot of fun.
The day can be quite long if you don’t get out and about so you need to build in small goals on those day with the supported person e.g. a small walk to the local shop to pick up a bottle of juice.
It can be mentally exhausting but also fun.
It does, although at Southhouse Autism Unit we really encourage independence so we do try to encourage the supported people to do as much as possible for themselves we do still have to do some personal care. To be honest I wouldn’t have applied if I had known the job involved personal care but now it doesn’t bother me at all.
You need to be patient and have the ability to support and encourage our supported people. You need to be willing to learn about the supported persons culture and interests as well as working with the family of the supported person.
It helps to be confident and outgoing so e.g. if a supported person wants to get up and dance in the cinema have the confidence to join in.
You need to have the ability to build trust and rapport with the supported people.
Go for it! It’s so rewarding working with our supported people.
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